The Monday Morning Quote #34

“You are a vehicle for the endless circle of giving and receiving.

Great riches go to those who provide things of the most value and they in turn must pass the riches on.”

Napoleon Hill

Published by Alun Rees

Speaker. Writer. Coach. Analyst. Troubleshooter. Consultant. Writer. Presenter. Broadcaster. Mentor. Tactician. Catalyst.

One thought on “The Monday Morning Quote #34

  1. Hello Alun,
    I am slowly having a look at your site, is it fairly new? And does it help your bizz? And does it help raise money for your charity Alzheimers?

    The Sporting Laugh is also in existence for charities and I have enjoyed some great support from James on the Rugby Blog.

    I am a computer Luddite, but know just how big a place the web is. Would you like to consider linking our respective sites up, in some way, by which I will have to be guided by you. The objective, obviously being to getting more visitors to both sites.

    OH! and April Fools Day is over, so I am being serious.


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